Sunday, September 07, 2014

Le Puy-en-Velay

Good afternoon from sunny Le Puy. The weather is magnificent here, although we are hoping it cools down a bit for our walking tomorrow! We had fun getting here yesterday....the first train from Paris was great, then we made a tight connection in Lyon to the train to Le Puy. Lots of other walkers/pilgrims were waiting for the train, so it felt like the Camino all over again. Two German girls mentioned that our train didn't go all the way to Le Puy, and that we would be bussed partway. Turned out that we were all kicked off the train even sooner than they anticipated, and made to wait for yet another train, which would take us to the town where the bus would pick us up!! The bus was cramped, no air conditioning, and we had the hot sun beating in on us for the two hour trip. Oh, and we stopped at all the little villages along the way too, so you get the picture. Despite the challenging trip, we loved this town immediately. It has a great vibe, and they are preparing for the annual medieval festival, so the streets are being decorated and festooned with banners. Many great restaurants here too. Last night we had a seafood cassoulet that was wonderful. Lunch today was a plate of local sausage, lentils, fresh cheese, and salad, washed down with cold beer- perfect. This morning we climbed up to the Chapel of St. Michael which is situated on top of a volcanic vent. Also climbed up to the Statue of Notre-Dame de France, which is a 16 metre high cast iron statue of the Virgin Mary.

Tomorrow we plan to attend the pilgrim mass at the Cathedral at 7am, grab a bite to eat at our B&B, then start our walk. Looking forward to it, but know it will be a challenging day, as it is all uphill tomorrow.

Here are a few pics of Le Puy. Will post again when we have wifi....don't worry if you don't hear from us for a few days!

Chapel of St. Michael
Chat de Le Puy!
Cathedral (from above)



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