Saturday, September 13, 2014

Photos from today and yesterday

We just got back from having supper at a restaurant in Nasbinals, and since we're both turning into pumpkins, wanted to post more photos before we turn in for the night. Today was an interesting walk, as we climbed up onto the Aubrac plateau, so the scenery changed quite abruptly. Hopefully you will see what I mean in the photos.

Leaving Le Rouget
Downtown Aumont-Aubrac
Church window in Aumont-Aubrac
Aligot demonstration at our gite!
Aubrac plateau
Slate roofs in this area
Snake eating a mouse on the trail!


1 comment:

  1. Loving your photos and of course reading your daily blogs. It's making me really envious!!! Hey and that snake is an adder which of course is poisonous!
